Campus Life

Department of Communication Presents at Conference

Conducting undergraduate research and attending conferences is an important part of the college experience for many students.

Recently the Department of Communication took several students and faculty to the 87th Annual Georgia Communication Association Conference at Middle Georgia State University to present their findings in media, humor, and pop culture; plagiarism; and open source textbooks.

“The GCA Conference gave me a wonderful opportunity to present my research study conducted in Mass Media and Society in an open and welcoming atmosphere,” said Monica Prince McDaniel, who will graduate in May as one of the first three communication majors at Dalton State. “Overall, I enjoyed attending and presenting at the GCA Conference, and I hope to attend more in the future.”    

Students and faculty who presented were:

Joshua Beard, “Capes to Credits: The Narrative Fidelity of Marvel Super Heroes.”

Sean Self, “The Effects of Cultivation within Historical Dramas.”

Jerry Drye, Beard, Self, and McDaniel, “Did You Hear the One About the Funny Professor: Humor, Storytelling and Andragogy.”

Tami Tomasello, McDaniel, and Marlen Hernandez Garcia, “Amusing Ourselves to Death in the 21st Century: Contemporary Perspectives on Neil Postman.”

Amy Mendes, “What Even is Plagiarism? Measuring Undergraduates’ Comprehension of Source Attribution Standards in a Public Speaking class.” 

Sarah Min and Drye, “The Power of Humor Communication in the Classroom.”

Dr. Barbara Tucker provided a short talk on the free open textbook that she and the late Dr. Kris Barton, along with consulting help from other communication faculty, produced for speech courses.

Attendance was made possible by a grant from the Dalton State Foundation and Office of Academic Affairs.

posted 03/09/2017 in Uncategorized



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